

With Decarbo's advanced heat pumps, which use the environmentally friendly refrigerant R290, you not only secure an efficient and future-orientated heating solution, but also benefit from government subsidies that make your investment .

Heat Pump Subsidies in Germany: Your Questions Answered

Yes, Decarbo heat pumps are qualified for the subsidies and are listed on the BAFA list. They use R290 refrigerant, qualifying for the additional efficiency bonus.

2023: Homeowners receive a basic subsidy of 25%.

2024: The basic subsidy rate is increased to 30%.

2023: Yes, an additional 10% subsidy is available for replacing a functional old heating system.

2024: Specific information on additional bonuses for 2024 is not available at the moment.

2023 & 2024: Yes, there’s a 5% bonus for heat pumps using natural refrigerants or sourcing heat from water, ground, or wastewater.

Speed Bonus: Up to 25% for early adoption of renewable heating systems before official heating planning by the municipality.

Low-Income Household Bonus: Additional 30% subsidy for households with an income under €40,000.

Currently, there is no clear information regarding the eligibility of self-installed heat pumps for subsidies. It’s recommended to consult directly with the relevant authorities for detailed guidance.

2023: Up to 40%.

2024: Up to 70% for 2024 and 2025.

You can apply for the subsidy via the BAFA online form. Click here to learn more.

Overview Table of Subsidies

Basic Subsidy 30 % of the investment costs are covered by the Basic Subsidy. 30%
Efficiency Bonus Receive an additional 5% Subsidy for the use of Decarbo Heat Pumps with the natural Refrigerant R290, which Increases your Total Subsidy to at least 35%. 5%
Climate Speed Bonus: When Replacing older Heating Systems with a Decarbo Heat Pump, you can Receive an Additional Bonus of up to 20%, depending on the specific Conditions and the Age of the Replaced System. 20%
Income-Related Bonus: Households with a lower Income (up to a gross Annual Income of 40,000 Euros) can receive an Additional Subsidy of up to 30%. 30%
Maximum Subsidy Rate: In Combination, these Subsidy Rates and Bonuses can lead to a maximum Subsidy of up to 70% of the Investment costs, with an upper Limit of 30,000 Euros per Measure. 70%

Opt for the environmentally friendly Heating Technology of the future with Decarbo Heat Pumps and benefit from attractive Subsidies: Our Heat Pumps use the natural Refrigerant R290, which means they automatically receive the Efficiency Bonus from the current Heat Pump Subsidy. This Bonus, combined with the Basic Subsidy, guarantees you a Subsidy Rate of at least 35% on the Total Investment costs of your new Heat Pump. This not only means Considerable cost savings at the time of Purchase, but also long-term benefits through lower operating costs and a reduced CO2 Footprint. With Decarbo, you can rely on a sustainable and future-proof Heating solution and at the same time enjoy Government support that facilitates the switch to Green Energy.

Take Advantage of the Subsidy Service for all eligible Decarbo Heating and Cooling Systems now.

If You do not want to submit the Application to BAFA Yourself or are unsure about Filling in the Details, You are welcome to use our Service. From 289 Euros, our Funding experts will take care of all the Formalities.

Simply complete one of the three Checklists below.

Checklist Heating Private Customers

Checklist Heating Commercial Customers

Checklist Air Conditioning Private Customers

Checklist Air Conditioning Commercial Customers

Do You still have Questions?

Our Decarbo Funding Hotline will be happy to support You with any Questions You may have about Funding.

weekdays from 8:00 to 17:00

Home Projects

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Building Projects

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Interior Projects

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Custom Projects

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